A collection of recipes and methods that surprisingly have worked!
Please feel free to copy and distribute, crediting our lab for original creation. Feel free to contact mviap@viapianolab.org to ask for details of the methods or to confirm where they were published. Thanks!
Methods to chracterize the ECM in malignant brain tumors (NeuroMethods vol. 93; 2014)
A collection of general use buffers
Preparation of fixed erythrocytes to reveal ECM in cultured cells
Measure of TACE/ADAM17 activity
Fluorescence immunohistochemistry
Culturing cells on nanofiber scaffolds
Simple immunoprecipitation procedure
Protocols for protein deglycosylation
Antibody coupling to nanoparticles
Myelin preparation from adult brain
Nissl staining of brain tissue sections
Silver staining of SDS-PAGE gels